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Tuesday, 2 October 2012

"Intenet Gratis Esia Max-d " ( Free Intenet Esia Max-d )

 Free Intenet Esia Max-d - Esia as CDMA telecommunications network service providers issued a newest product Esia Max-d and aha Esia.

Free Intenet Esia Max-d

Trik Intenet Gratis Esia Max-d Terbaru

New products from Esia is intended to indulge the users Internet Package. If my friend just bought or use Internet Package Esia Max-d, following Trick Free Intenet Esia Max-d Gallery, which hopefully should be practiced and how it can still be used.

Here's How To Setting Free Intenet Tricks Esia Max-d News:

Prepare Modem Esia d max and d max Esia Internet card ready.
To avoid unwanted errors, spend first pulse or just buy a cheap package of Internet service.
Setting up Dial Up
Username: esia,, pass: esia

Once the download is complete go to the next stage settings by logging proxy, enter proxynya through mozilla and select the tools-Options-Advance-Network and setting, complete with a table of contents manually code proxy with port 554 and save.

Not Easy Tricks Free Intenet Esia Max-d Gallery, may still be that way buddy use and it does not hurt to try, just wanted to share the latest information to my friend all.
A few information on the Intenet Free Esia Max-d, Hopefully useful.

1 komentar:

  1. saya ping tu nomer IP ... gak connect gan .. request time out
